Local Government & Planning Solicitors

Facing a legal challenge? Get solid and fair advice.

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Your leading local government lawyers in Grafton

With more than 40 years of experience, trust the team at Gallaghers to take care of any issues you face when it comes to development approval or council disputes. We are always committed to delivering for our clients, going above and beyond, and proudly using our solid local industry knowledge and expertise to bring advice and clarity as your local government lawyer.

How our local government lawyers can assist

The local government sector covers a range of activities so as local solicitors, we advise and assist on challenging matters, show you the options available, but also live and breathe the local community and can offer unparalleled insights into the happenings of the area.

Learning all there is to know from our father, we have developed an in-depth understanding covering a variety of matters and understand the importance of working cooperatively with property developers, landlords, event managers, land rehabilitators, and many others to ensure any objections are mitigated, and damages are minimised and controlled.

Reliable in resolving council disputes and much more

The team at Gallaghers has delivered successful representation to various clients when resolving disputes with construction contractors, and various local authorities in disagreements with public and private entities, and also defended clients against actions brought on by local authorities, such as breaches of legislation or local laws.

Our forward-thinking approach to planning law and areas such as heritage or environmental breaches means the firm is well-equipped to assist both sides and is familiar with the particulars and complexities of such cases that may require litigation in the Local, District, or Supreme Court, or Land and Environment Court. After 40 years, there isn’t much we haven’t come across!

Your property subdivision should be simple

So, if you are unsure whether you have a clause for debate when it comes to local government and planning, there is no harm in initiating contact with a team of professionals like us.

Frequently asked questions

In most circumstances, we can work around what is more convenient for you. We are generally able to work with clients over the phone, via email, or zoom, but if you’d like to meet in person, we can set that up too. Obviously, if there is paperwork to sign we will work with you to arrange an accessible location.

During this 15 minute consultation, we will typically discuss your legal matter and why it is you’ve come to us. We can outline a suggested approach, associated costs to move forward, and the next steps should you choose to continue with our services.

Without meeting or understanding the complexity of your situation, it’s difficult to provide an unmitigated cost. After discussions, once we understand the circumstances of your legal matter, we will be able to give you an estimate of the range of costs you may incur.

We do offer fee arrangements (such as instalments) and can discuss these with you once we establish a way forward. We are always prepared to work with you to come up with a mutually acceptable arrangement.

No, we do not bill in six-minute intervals. We can usually provide a fixed fee quote once we establish the associated works involved in your matter.

We will always be upfront with how long processes take and aim to work as quickly as possible, particularly when you are working to a tight timeframe.

Just remember that some steps in the timeline are out of our hands, so be sure to take that into account.

To prepare for your first appointment, we’ll ask you to send us any documents relating to your matter, as well as any notes that might help us to understand the background a little better.

By the end of your appointment, both of us should know whether or not we can help in your particular matter and the pathway forward. We can also discuss any fees and/or charges to expect to resolve your issue.

Our flat fee for basic general conveyancing is $1,500+GST, plus any disbursements that might come up in that particular matter. Complicated matters may incur a higher fee. Again, we will always be upfront with the charges you can expect.

A Will is an important legal document that outlines your wishes, including how you want your assets distributed, when you die. A well drafted Will may prevent potential family disagreements and reduce the risk of claims against your estate. They can also provide instruction for the appointment of guardians for children under 18 years old, so it’s important your document is up to date and reviewed every couple of years.

Yes, bring your marriage certificate to your meeting. Know that before applying for a divorce, you need to be separated for at least 12 months, but importantly, you do not need to be divorced to obtain a property settlement. We can guide you through that process.

Yes, we can witness your documents by prior appointment.

Any other questions? Just ask!

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When faced with a legal challenge that calls for solid and fair advice, arrange a free 15-minute consultation. If we can help, we will.
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